Thursday 14 May 2015

Museum Halt Ballasting - Final Day

Today we completed ballasting at Museum Halt, which has been a real team effort. We think it looks fabulous and makes the platform area look much better than before!

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Gala Weekend!

Museum Halt Ballasting - Day 4

Further work has been completed at our Museum Halt platform regarding ballasting. A few pictures are below.

 As the track stood this morning:

Arrival of the Ballast:

 The completed product of the days work:

One final day is required to complete the new siding's ballast and then our next project can begin.

Thursday 7 May 2015

Museum Halt Ballasting - Day 3

During the process of getting the flat wagons, we need an area to store them when not in use. We currently store them within the Loop, however, to ease the use of the main sets of carriages during running hours, after some planning we are currently creating a storage siding to store them in.

Over the past two days we have started on the ballasting and creating of the siding for them.

Three of the completed track ballasting.

Stages of creating a ballast base for the new siding.

Finally the start of the siding. The first three sleepers and track layed down.

We need to complete the ballasting next week, then create a set of removable points. Keep an eye out for how we plan to construct them!